Monday, January 22, 2018

  Hello, my name is Shayley Lust. I grew up in Atchison, KS which is a small town about a hour away from Topeka. My mother and my four sisters ended up moving to Topeka during middle school and I haven’t left since. Some of my hobbies are include cooking, trying new food, traveling, hiking with my dog, and always being the one of taking post worthy pictures of my friends. I chose to study Mass Media because I would like to change the way that media showcases new trends with items with people that don’t resemble the normal people we see every day, this can cause negative opinions about themselves and others. I chose Washburn because one of my sisters graduated from Washburn University and loved it! So, I thought I would give it a try. On my tour I met a lot of great people and felt very comfortable while walking around. I could see myself attending Washburn.I couldn’t be happier with my decision. I joined Alpha Phi and became very involved in geek life, got to take very interesting classes, and have made friendships that I will have for the rest of my life. I’m excited to see where my mass media degree at Washburn will take me.   


  1. I love your reasoning of why you chose Mass Media as your major! I haven't thought of it in that way until I read that.

  2. I think its cool that you love hiking with your dog I've never heard someone say that! I love dogs so much so I feel like doing that would be pretty fun!

  3. That's cool that you like to cook, what's your favorite meal to make?

  4. What a cool sorority! I really like your outlook on media, and your interest in studying it. Changing the way people view things, and representing those views is an interesting standpoint on media.

  5. I like you reasoning for mass media, the world can always use more positivity. Good luck to you :)


Josey Trimble Portfolio

Here is the link to my portfolio